Nucleus Bubbles

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This blog gives you insight from the life of the NUCLEUS collaboration.


A clean room around the NUCLEUS setup

June, 2024

We have installed a clean room around the NUCLEUS cryostat. This ensures a pristine environment, preventing dust and contaminants from entering the cryostat.

Additionally, the cryostat has been thoroughly cleaned and is now ready for future measurements!

Collaboration and detector meetings in Munich

February - April, 2024

Meetings focused on the detector development and the collaboration meeting happened beteen February and April 2024. It was the occasion to define more prcisely the goals of the Long Background Data taking foreseen in summer 2024.

Collaboration meeting in Vienna

October, 2023

The NUCLEUS collaboration met in Vienna in October 2023.

The meeting was focused on the preparation of the long background data taking, that will happen in 2024 in the TUM and the preparation of the strategy for the move of the experiment in Chooz. 

The shielding and the cryostat reunited at TUM

May, 2023

Until now, the shielding and the cryostat were staring at each other without talking. But the cryostat has finally been moved inside the cryostat and it seems that they are getting along quite well.

A great story is starting with those two. A perfect match which starts to look like the final NUCLEUS setup!

Installation of the polyethylene shielding

April, 2023

The borated polyethylene (no that's not a washing machine...) has arrived at TUM and has been successfully installed inside the lead shielding. With this last step, the NUCLEUS external shielding (Muon Veto, mechanical structure, lead and polyethylene) is complete!

Collaboration meeting at Chooz

March 6, 2023

Exactly three years after the first collaboration meeting at Chooz, the collaboration gathered again on March at the Nuclear Power Plant. 

Even if the site was quite disturbed by the strikes, this meeting has been the occasion for most of the memebers to visit the VNS and the power plant. It was also a really productive meeting to define the goals of the commissioning that will happen in the next months at TUM and the moving to Chooz.

The muon veto has arrived at TUM

December 8, 2022

The installation of the NUCLEUS Muon Veto has been done in december 2022 by the CEA team. The 28 panels have been successfly assembled on the mechanical structure. The cabling will fllow in the beginning of 2023. 

All the process went quite smoothly!

First layer of shielding

September 1, 2022

The mechanical structure and the lead shielding, the first layers of the NUCLEUS passive shileding was installed in the UnderGround Lab (UGL) at TUM. The other layers of external shielding (passive and active with the Muon Veto) will follow in the mounting procedure of the experiment.

Collaboration meeting at Bracciano

July 6, 2022

In July, the collaboration meeting took place at Bracciano near the lake of the same name, close to Roma. A great environment to work on the blank assembly and the comissioning of the experiment.

Commissioning of a brandnew Bluefors cryostat for NUCLEUS

November 19, 2021

A new dry dilution refrigerator from Bluefors has been delivered in November 2021 and commissioned during the following weeks. The cryostat will be used for R&D of several NUCLEUS components, until it will soon host the first NUCLEUS target detectors.

Detector meeting at TUM

October 20, 2021

A special meeting focused on the NUCLEUS detectors took place at TUM. It was the first in-presence   meeting (although a hybrid one in fact...) for a long time. It was the occasion to talk about the detector technologies and the next steps for the development of the experiment.

The NUCLEUS cryostat receipt at TUM

April 24, 2020

The NCULEUS dry dilution refrigerator has arrived and has been mounted at TUM. The NUCLEUS cryogenic detectors are developped in this cryostat: the TESs used to read out the CaWO4 and Al2Ocrystals, the conception of the inner veto, particle detector with iron source.... 

Collaboration meeting at Chooz

March 5, 2020

NUCLEUS members met at Chooz in March, just in the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. The occasionfor many members to discover the power plant for the first time.

Collaboration Meeting at Paris-Saclay

May 22, 2019

The CEA Paris-Saclay welcomed the collaboration for a two days meeting. Design of the shielding, planning of the experiment and challenges to meet has been discussed. 

Kick-off meeting at TUM

November, 2018

The NUCLEUS collaboration started during this kick-off meeting in 2018 at TUM. The name, the collaboration agreements, the experimental site and the concept of the experiment were defined at this meeting.